Three Essential Items To Include With Your Last Will and Testament

Have you been worried about how your family will cope once you're gone? Do you want to make things easier for everyone to deal with once you've passed on? One of the best ways that you can help your friends and family to better deal with your passing is to make out a last will and testament that outlines your final wishes. But besides simply allocating how you want your money to be split up between your heirs, there are a number of things that you may want to specify concerning your final resting place. These things include:

Burial vs. cremation: Although many people may think that they'd prefer a traditional burial, they may not realize the sheer cost of doing so. A traditional burial can cost tens of thousands of dollars before you even add in the cost of the funeral itself. Even with life insurance, this could be money that your family will need for other things. In contrast, a cremation may only be a couple thousand dollars total. If you or your family wants to have an open casket funeral, many funeral homes will rent beautiful coffins for this purpose so that a regular funeral may still be held. For more information on which option would be best for you, contact a company like Fletcher Funeral Home PA.

Funeral service: Are you the type who favors a more upbeat celebration of life type ceremony or do you want a more solemn remembrance? Do you want expensive flower arrangements or would you rather that money either gets donated to charity or goes to your family instead? These are all things that you should put into your will. If you do not, friends and family are going to make assumptions as to what you'd have wanted and they might not be the things that you'd have picked. In some instances, different family members might have differing opinions and, in their grief, will fight bitterly over whether you'd have preferred white roses or orange lilies at your memorial service. By planning things out as much as possible now, you'll make things much easier for everyone to deal with.

Final resting place: If you're opting for a traditional burial, you're going to be limited to being buried in a standard cemetery. Not only are the plots expensive, but your executor may have to pay many hundreds or even thousands of dollars just to transport your body from the funeral home to the cemetery. With cremation, your options are much more open. Your ashes may be interred at a standard cemetery if you wish, but they may also be kept by a friend or family member. You may also opt to have your ashes scattered in a favorite location for little to no additional costs to your friends or family members.
